Thursday, October 7, 2010

Entry 2.2: Wanderer / Magician

My first archetype is a Wanderer. Out of many images of wanderers this picture appealed to me the most, because it shows a modern day wanderer with a suitcase just like myself. I've been traveling back and forth to Korea and the U.S for past 7 years now. Not just traveling but living in each country, moving internationally for almost every 1 or 2 years. Everytime I move I think I'd never move again, and think I will settle down this time - whether it will be in my country, or in a foreign country living as an alien. Wanderers are known to think of life as an adventure. I think that applies in my situation as well. I guess I was meant to be wandering around my whole life - I can't live in one location for a long time. Ever since I was very young, I always dreamed of going abroad, learn their language and live their culture. Since I was still young, I wasn't allowed to do so but as I got old enough to make my own decision I've been living life like a modern day hippie almost.

I went to a college majoring in something that was being very popular at that time. I studied more than I ever did, preparing myself to a real world. When I was a Junior, the time finally came and I flew to this country all by myself. Ever since then, I've been moving back and forth for 4-5 times internationally. It's been 3 years since I came back to New York last time so it's been the longest time I stay in one city, but I already have 3 cities in my mind to move next - all in three different countries.

I guess I'm not surprised at the result of this archetype test, quite impressed even.

My second archetype is Magician. I like this picture because she seems very independent and tough just like I am, and also the scene she's riding on a bird that's bigger than her seems so surreal. The archetype of magician has a lot to do with concepts such as intuition, creativity, visions, knowledge and confidence. I consider myself to have an extraordinary intuition compare to other people. Since I am into writing music and writing in general, I think creativity is a big part of me.


  1. what are the locations of ur wishful list?
    maybe we should wander off for a drink after class - im also wanderer immediately followed by magician - a nice combo, no? :)
    i love the image, too. it is very modern, indeed, and underlines wandering as a self goal, without specifying any direction...

  2. what strikes me about you is your dashing and refined conduct. I hope that i can go wherever i like,too.
