Sunday, December 19, 2010

Final Blog Entry

The fall semester went by so fast. I actually chose a ENG 102 class with a different professor but I changed it after the first class. When I first came to this class and learned it was in a computer lab I was a little confused as everybody else was. When I first heard the theme is supernatural I wasn't sure what to expect from this class.

At the end I enjoyed this class very much that was taught by a very energetic and enthusiastic professor. I also learned that the writing on the blog, give and get feedbacks makes the writing a lot more interesting.

I've learn a lot of new things from this class as well. First of all I never really read and analyze poems that are written in English. Even though I didn't do my best on Goblin Market essay, I learned a lot about symbolisms, denotation and connotation. I always liked literature classes in high school and this class reminded me of those times. For the first time I learned those terms in English and it was very good to learn them. I feel more confident reading and writing now more than prior to this course.

This was the second ENG class I've taken in Laguardia, and I liked the fact that we did a lot of writing during the semester. I never written this much during one class and this course made me enjoy writing a lot. I always liked writing but since I came to New york been busy all the time, I almost forgot that I used to have passion for writing and reading.

I haven't read a book in a long time and since I read Coraline I started to read my other books too. After I read Coraline and watched "Spirited Away" again, I was very inspired and I wanted to read and write whenever I had time. Also after I did the final project for Haruki Murakami's "Super-frog saves Tokyo", I've started to read his other books that I haven't read yet. Currently I am reading his most recent novel "1Q84" and I also purchased his other books, I also got me the original full version of "Diary of Anne Frank". I read it when I was young, but I always wanted to read the original version for adults and I was lucky to find it in my friend's book shelf. My dear friend gave it to me for christmas:)

I've also learn so much from reading my classmate's blog entries. I liked Mark's entry for Goblin Market a lot. His plot summary was very smooth and easy to understand. I also liked he broke down the important symbols without going through every single words. I agreed with him when he put question marks on Lizzie and Laura's relationship as sisterhood, non-sexual friendship or Lesbian. I also thought their relationship could be interpreted in those terms.
Even though there were some misspells but his interpretation of Goblin Market made me think again about the poem.

After taking this course and write "something" every week, I am very inspired again and for me personally that was a priceless experience. For the first time in many years I read the short stories and fictions I wrote long time ago when I was younger, and had so much more passion and energy for life. I think I got some of them back, at least for reading and writing. I am going to read anything that interests me, and write wherever I can put out my feelings and creativity. I'll write my journals again, post new entries on my several blogs that I haven't written in ages, I'll write letters and emails to my friends and family, and write lyrics to make songs.

The course is over, but for me it's a beginning of my personal reading and writing through literature volume 2, 3 and 4.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Entry 4.1. Final Project as of 12/2

I am finished with the blog entries as I planned on my project blog page below.

I have written most of the parts of the poem and then I realized that if I am going to write a song of it, it'll be better to write them as lyrics which makes more sense if I will make it as a song eventually. I am still in the writing process so I don't know how the outcome will look like, but I am trying my best to be inspired.